Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunrise in SoCal

#24- Stay up all night and watch the sunrise. Why, my husband asked, did I make this one of my 30 goals? I can totally understand why he would be confused by this. I am usually up early enough to see the sunrise at least 2-3 times a week for my fabulous job, so clearly it wasn't about the act of seeing the sunrise. Well, glad you asked I told him and I have all night to tell you... but it wont take that long. In my mind staying up all night and "partying" is something I categorize as only "young" people doing. When I originally made this goal I was envisioning a mellower version of The Hangover. Partying and hanging out with friends till the wee hours in the morning and then going to get breakfast at some local place like The Country Road Cafe. So, hoping it would make me feel young and since I had never done it when I was in my crazy college years I added it to the list.
How did it actually go down? Here's the timeline of events:
  • 8:30pm- Sushi at Ken's: not so great. Miso was cold and not so tasty. Sashimi was great. Rolls were ok and service was meh.
  • 10:00pm- Attended a graduation party for one of my husbands co-workers wife. Fun but awkward because I didn't really know anyone.
  • 11:00pm- Candy run to the grocery store before heading to...
  • 11:55pm- Toy Story 3: Was so good! I cried twice... and not just the glistening tear.
  • 2:00am- Krispy Kream run: Delish!
  • 3:00am- Tried to take care of the weekly grocery shopping... but no grocery stores in CA are open 24-7? What is that? You can get just about any fast food here 24-7 but you can't go grocery shopping! Not even a 24hour Wal-Mart!
  • 3:30am- Homemade lattes and Mario-Kart
  • 4:50am- Driving to find a place to watch the sunrise. The place I thought would be great was not... so we had to make a dash at the last minute to find a better place. Still made it with plenty of time.
  • 6:00am- Sun finally makes its appearance. Got to tell you it took its sweet time.
  • 6:30am- Breakfast at Kick Back Jacks: Tasty.
  • 7:30am- Sweet Sleep!
I have to say the 2:30-3:30 was the hardest part stretch to get through, but once the sun started to color the horizon I was suddenly less tired. Now my body is just all sorts of confused. Overall, glad I did it and we had a fun night... just not exactly like I had imagined it when I made this goal.


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