Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pony Up!

After reviewing my list with the hubby last weekend I realized I have about half the things on my list that I will have to wait to complete this summer and half that I seriously need to pony up on now! This comes at a slight shock because I really thought I was doing okay… slowly plugging away on a couple of items on my list. Big wake-up call!

So its time to pony up and the current ponies in this race are:

#10 focus on friends, family and being thankful: after all tis the season! Please don’t get the wrong idea here. I am not a mean, hateful or cruel person. For me number 10 is for me to work on changing my priorities and not letting work rule my life. Its about making the people that mean the most to me know they are my world.

#11 read 30 books: unlike B I might be the slowest reader on the planet… yes a small child learning to read may be able to out read me. So for me 30 books is my Everest. Slow as it may be I am confident that I can finish. Want the skinny? Here’s how it breaks down: 29 books left, 9 months, 3.25 books per month, at approx 500 pages per book I am looking at 52 pages per day. Eek!

#14 look & feel better at 30 then I did at 29: I finally made it back to the gym. Day 1 I tried a core strengthening/ spin class and I have to say I could barley walk, sleep, move or breath for about 5 days. Day 2 treadmill and core strengthening and the ball of my left foot is bruised. Day 3 stationary bike and lots of stretching. It might be a little bit harder getting back on this pony then I thought.

#20 start a 401K: on my to do list to be finished by 12.30.09. Literally just need to call fidelity and make it happen. I know it’s not that big of a deal. I know I should have done it a long time ago. But it really intimidates me and that is why I keep procrastinating about it.

Fire the start gun... I'm off!



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