Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I Have No Patience

It's pointed out to me, quite frequently in fact, that I have no patience. Case in point? I have gained a lot of weight since my wedding -- 30 lbs. to be exact. I've lost and gained the same 20 lbs. at least three times since then. However, the last time I lost any significant weight was May 2008 before a trip to Mexico. Ok, and I lost about 10 this summer before K's wedding.

As part of my 30 Before 30 list, and because I can't continue to look at pictures of my fat ass, I'm really cracking down on goal #4: Look better at 30 than I did at 29. I'm back on my diet and doing really good. The hubs and I have finally figured out the gym situation and I head back tonight. But I have no patience. I want all of my hard work for the last week to show ... immediately. I think that's why it's so hard for me to stick to a weight loss routine. I'm trying to hold on and know that it takes time, especially the more I continue to yo-yo and the older I get.

However, the smart solution to my lack of patience would have been to maintain the weight loss the first time. Hopefully this time I'll be smart enough to remember what a pain in the ass it was to lose it in the first place.



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