Thursday, April 1, 2010

10 down... 20 to go

Those of you who follow the blog know this is not my first blog about goal #11 (read 30 books). I knew when I made this goal it was going to be a hard one for me to hit. In December I realized that I needed to read 3.25 books per month to hit this goal before September. I panicked slightly and hit the books!

Since then I have read 10 of my 30 books goal and I am pretty damn proud of that. The thing I have loved the most about this goal is not only feeling like I am really accomplishing something, but I have found out how much I really do enjoy reading. Not that every book I have read has been amazing... because believe me it hasn't been, but it's addicting! Similar to crack but better for your brain. This is one goal I am going to make an honest effort to keep up on after I turn 30.

Using the same math I used in December... with 10 books down I need to read 3.33 books per month or 62 pages per day to hit my goal, which means I am on track to hit this one!


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