Thursday, January 14, 2010

Today was a twofer!

New running shoes and I cooked dinner. I am proud to say I am still holding strong on number 14 (looking and feeling better at 30 than I did at 29). I am running 2+ miles on the treadmill five days a week and occasionally lifting. I have decided it is much easier for me to actually find the motivation to go to the gym if I know it is going to be short and rather painless, instead of a 2 hour ordeal of cardio and lifting. Since I also have the Cherry Creek Sneak (#5) and the Bolder Boulder (#4) coming up on my list I have decided focusing on cardio is the best way for me to kill 3 birds with one stone. Since the sole was peeling off both my shoes I decided it was time for some new ones. Boulder Running Co was totally amazing! Not only did they actually have size 11 women’s shoes but more than one. Also they videotape you running. I know this sounds scary but it was totally awesome! I now have super cool new shoes that in theory will be better for my hip… which currently is my only pain from running.

Dinner, well cooking in general is not really my forte but tonight I must say I won. A friend from work gave me a recipe that the whole store has been talking about for weeks… Spicy Macaroni and Cheese. Normally when we make spicy mac and cheese for dinner it comes from a blue box and is then sprinkled with sriracha. This my friends is way out of the blue boxes league. 2 cups of macaroni 3 blocks of cheese and a combination of spices only the gods themselves could have come up with and viola… you have heaven. I’m not sure I have ever been so excited for leftovers in my life!



In my world I ROCK said...

those running shoes are amazing!

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