Saturday, February 20, 2010

Birthday/thank you cards = epic fail

Undoubtedly there have been a couple goals that I've been struggling with. Obviously looking better at 30 than I did at 29 requires me to consistently go the gym, something I completely suck at. Working towards becoming debt-free requires me to reign in my spending habits, which is somewhat counterintuitive to meeting goals that require me to buy something. Writing a novel mandates that I sit down and write something, but after writing all day at work I can't seem to muster any energy to write at home.

But the goal that has been an epic fail for me to date is #14: becoming a habitual thank you note/birthday card girl. Since last April I don't think I've bought and handed out one birthday card or thank you card. Sure I've signed my name on ones that friends have bought for me, but I haven't gone out of my way to purchase anything on my own.

This should be an easy goal to meet for me. It's not something that requires a lot of time, energy or money ... just consistency. I have two months to get my butt in gear and make sure that I've got a card handy for every special occasion as well as a thank you card out three days after I receive something where I should show my gratitude. It should be easy to start, I have a birthday celebration for my dad tomorrow; you can bet I'll be there with a card in hand.


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Rob said...

Are "Thank You" cards neccesary? If so, where does it stop? "You're Welcome" cards? I'm one who believe the thank you is implied with the gift recieving. Although, i'm also one who buys his friends cards that they can colour in. So..

Bre said...

Good point Rob. Sadly enough, it wouldn't shock me if Hallmark has a line of "thank you for your thank you card" cards. More importantly, where do you find your cards? I want some I can color in.

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