Monday, February 22, 2010

List rewind: Run the Bolder Boulder

K and I started our blog a little late in the game and by the time it launched, I'd already crossed off a couple of my items. Because I'm proud of those accomplishments, and you're probably wondering what I did to cross them off, I wanted to share with all of you. Enjoy!

I crossed off #1: run the Bolder Boulder on my list on May 25, 2009 with K and our friend Lindsay. I'd added it as one of my 30 goals because I hate running and classified this goal in my “do something I never thought I could” category.

I was nervous as hell before the race. Mainly because I’d done a crappy job of training the month before the race. By crappy, I mean I ran twice … in a month. I’m not going to lie, it was tough, but totally worth it. The energy at the event is amazing and helped give me some adrenaline that was much needed. And can I just say that nothing is cooler than running into a packed stadium.

I ran the first mile, and then alternated jogging and walking for the rest of the event. I’m happy that I finished in 90 minutes and while for some that may be a pretty crap time, I am honestly amazed that I, B the person who never runs, ran a 10K.

I’m really glad that I added this goal to my list. It showed me that I can do things I never thought I’d be able to do once I put my mind to it. Hell, it even made me want to do it again, which I never thought would happen. I'm hoping to run it again this year to help K knock it off her list, but it involves me getting my butt back in the gym and training. Good thing I'm trying to get in better shape.


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