Monday, February 22, 2010

List rewind: Run the Bolder Boulder

K and I started our blog a little late in the game and by the time it launched, I'd already crossed off a couple of my items. Because I'm proud of those accomplishments, and you're probably wondering what I did to cross them off, I wanted to share with all of you. Enjoy!

I crossed off #1: run the Bolder Boulder on my list on May 25, 2009 with K and our friend Lindsay. I'd added it as one of my 30 goals because I hate running and classified this goal in my “do something I never thought I could” category.

I was nervous as hell before the race. Mainly because I’d done a crappy job of training the month before the race. By crappy, I mean I ran twice … in a month. I’m not going to lie, it was tough, but totally worth it. The energy at the event is amazing and helped give me some adrenaline that was much needed. And can I just say that nothing is cooler than running into a packed stadium.

I ran the first mile, and then alternated jogging and walking for the rest of the event. I’m happy that I finished in 90 minutes and while for some that may be a pretty crap time, I am honestly amazed that I, B the person who never runs, ran a 10K.

I’m really glad that I added this goal to my list. It showed me that I can do things I never thought I’d be able to do once I put my mind to it. Hell, it even made me want to do it again, which I never thought would happen. I'm hoping to run it again this year to help K knock it off her list, but it involves me getting my butt back in the gym and training. Good thing I'm trying to get in better shape.


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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Give them the money!

This week I started my 10K training regimen. Sad to say I only actually trained 2 of 6 days... good thing it is a 13 week training plan!

Today I registered for the Cherry Creek Sneak, number 5 on my list, which I am hoping will help to act as some serious motivation. I find paying money to do something is a huge personal motivator. Unfortunately, my gym membership does not work the same way.

So why is running 2 of my 30 goals? I want to be a runner. Someone who loves to run for fun, stress relief and personal satisfaction. I want to be that crazy person you see running on the side of the road in amazing shape and makes it look easy. So far my career as a runner has consisted of serious hip pain that makes me feel like an old lady who needs a hip replacement.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Birthday/thank you cards = epic fail

Undoubtedly there have been a couple goals that I've been struggling with. Obviously looking better at 30 than I did at 29 requires me to consistently go the gym, something I completely suck at. Working towards becoming debt-free requires me to reign in my spending habits, which is somewhat counterintuitive to meeting goals that require me to buy something. Writing a novel mandates that I sit down and write something, but after writing all day at work I can't seem to muster any energy to write at home.

But the goal that has been an epic fail for me to date is #14: becoming a habitual thank you note/birthday card girl. Since last April I don't think I've bought and handed out one birthday card or thank you card. Sure I've signed my name on ones that friends have bought for me, but I haven't gone out of my way to purchase anything on my own.

This should be an easy goal to meet for me. It's not something that requires a lot of time, energy or money ... just consistency. I have two months to get my butt in gear and make sure that I've got a card handy for every special occasion as well as a thank you card out three days after I receive something where I should show my gratitude. It should be easy to start, I have a birthday celebration for my dad tomorrow; you can bet I'll be there with a card in hand.


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Sunday, February 14, 2010

#21 is done!

I can say with complete honesty I completed number 21 on my list: Get rid of all the extra stuff piling up in my life I don't need- sell or donate.
This goal was inspired by the same event that created the need for it. In 2005 I moved out of a 3-bedroom house and packed what I could fit in my car and moved to San Diego. Everything else I owned was moved into the basement of my mothers. Living in an apartment with only what I could fit in my car was the most refreshing 6 months of my life. Since then I have yearned to have that feeling again but just haven’t made it happen.
Since then I have moved two more times, and again “storing” boxes in the basement at my mothers. The last move included storing everything my husband and I owned that didn’t fit in my childhood bedroom.
It was time to sort through five years worth of boxes and get rid of all the crap. I always find it hard to believe how much stuff you can accumulate in year… and trying to decide what is worth keeping and what can be trashed is an emotional rollercoaster.

January 31 consisted of 8 hours straight in the basement, 2 trips to the Goodwill and 10 very large outdoor trashcans. The next three days were very similar. At this point we have taken 6 trips to the Goodwill and have filled up more trashcans than anyone could imagine but I could not be happier.
Best thing about this goal is that I am going to keep moving forward with it. I am NEVER going to let myself get back into a situation where I have that much stuff boxed up for someday.Live in moment; keep only the very most important memories and let the rest go.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A little help from my friends?

I’m ten weeks out until the big day and starting to freak about how much is still left to do on my list. I’ve also realized there is no chance in hell I’m going to start writing a novel anytime this decade … so I could use a little help on figuring out a replacement goal. Use the comments link below to leave your suggestions.


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Monday, February 8, 2010

Crossing off “family” dinners

Before I jump off on this blog I need to apologize for my complete lack of creativity. I’ve been sick for the past week and it’s zapped all of my creative juices. But enough about juices … what’s with the quote marks around family? Well, I needed to differentiate between my real family and my friends who I consider family. I probably could have come up with something more original, but I really wanted to stress the important role my friends play in my life. But that’s another blog for another time.

Having monthly “family” dinners was put on my list for two reasons. The first is that if I don’t schedule something, it doesn’t happen. Sure I’d still see my friends, but it’s always for someone else’s birthday, party, etc. Secondly I wanted to create a monthly event where I could consistently see the same group of friends (five couples) and foster our relationship over tasty food and copious amounts of wine. I’ll also say that it was one of my goals I was most looking forward.

I’m finally crossing #29 off my list following the fourth month of our monthly “family” dinners … we also have the next six months scheduled out. I’m so excited to say that they’ve lived up to the high expectations I had of them … and I think the friends I’ve set them up with enjoy too. I enjoying spending time at each friend’s house, as well as getting to host at mine. I love sitting around and catching up, seeing everyone’s kiddos, and learning more about these fabulous friends. I also love the new wines we’ve tried (and we've tried a lot) and the incredible talent we’ve developed regarding our ability to make a sexual innuendo about anything. Although last weekend wasn’t too hard; we had a taco bar.


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Monday, February 1, 2010

Snowshoeing does qualify as a true winter hobby

I was excited to cross another item off my list on Saturday when I went snowshoeing with the hubs, and K and her husband. Not surprisingly we had a blast and it’s definitely something that I want to do again.

So why is snowshoeing on the list? Being a Colorado native, playing in the snow is as natural for us as breathing. Most choose to fulfill their needs by heading up to the slopes and ski or snowboard, but it’s an expensive hobby. I picked up snowboarding late in the game when I was 21, and normally only go a handful of times during the winter. Needless to say I make up for my necessary snow time throwing snow at my dogs in my backyard or making snow angels in the park – things that really wouldn’t qualify as “winter hobbies.”

But I realized that I really can’t get any better snowboarding, it’s expensive, and after breaking my fall with my face two seasons ago and breaking my nose I needed to discover a new winter activity. Enter snowshoeing.

The thing I like most about creating this list is that I’ve discovered a lot of things that I now enjoy doing that I never would have pushed myself to try before. Trying snowshoeing may not have been a life altering item to complete like some others on my list, but it provided me an incredible day out with friends and a new hobby to pursue in the winter.


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